best rate guaranteed
Price from the official site is the cheapest and best.
To guarantee the best rate, the following conditions must be met.
Same hotel
Same stay date (arrival date / departure date)
Same number of guests
Equivalent room type
Same stay time (check-in / check-out time)
Same payment method
Same cancellation conditions
Same services and benefits (including amenities)
Not eligible for Best Rate Guarantee
In order to guarantee the best rate, the following cases will be excluded from comparison. Please be forewarned.
Charges that are not publicly announced, such as corporate contract accommodation charges.
Pricing for specific membership organizations.
Package fee that includes use of facilities other than accommodation, transportation, meals, etc.
Fees that cannot be reserved on the WEB site, such as accepting reservations only by phone.
Rates for discounts on points granted to booking sites, such as Rakuten Travel and Jalan, and benefits granted to cash vouchers, etc.
Rates subject to upfront payment by coupon, voucher, credit card, etc.
Fees that do not involve the hotel in the sales amount, such as sales by travel agencies (arranged travel etc.)
Price of auction site (joint purchase site etc.)
Fees that fluctuate depending on exchange rates